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XXV International Symposium
«Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme»


On May 5, 2020, there was held an online presentation of diplomas and certificates of the Youth Section of the XXV International Symposium «Psychological Problems of the Meaning of Life and Acme» conducted at Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education in Moscow on April 16. Students of Abai KazNPU Reimkulov Mukhammatali (Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, 2 year) and Agaev Merdan (Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, 3 year) received 1st level diplomas for their video reports.

The symposium presents the reports of the participants of the Kazakhstan section of the international scientific and educational project «The meaning of life. How to build own future?» and held in January-April 2020 on the basis of gymnasium No.60 of Almaty. The project was attended by students from India (Medical University of Karaganda), students and undergraduates from Afghanistan (al-Farabi KazNU and KazNAU), Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan (Y.Altynsarin Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute), students of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, schoolchildren of Almaty and Almaty region, the Rudnyy city of Kostanay region and Ayagoz city of the East Kazakhstan region.

The project is completed remotely. Scientific supervisor - head of the Kazakhstan youth section of the international symposium, 2-year doctoral student S.Issaliyeva (specialty 6D010300 - Pedagogy and psychology).