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Young scientists share their experiences and scientific plans

On May 13, 2020, students of Abai KazNPU met online with young scientists who told about their research and shared their scientific plans.

Thus, graduate of the program «Bolashak», Associate Professor of the University of Narkhoz Edil Ospanov, covered in detail the following issues: academic writing and its features; the choice of research topic and information retrieval; the writing process; critical thinking; and the structure of the thesis. The young scientist also shared his experience in academic writing and gave valuable recommendations.

Member of the Kazakhstan PhD Association in the UK, PhD student of the University of Warwick (UK), our compatriot Mukhtarova Anar presented the mission and purpose of the association.

First Vice-rector of Abai KazNPU Bektemesov Maktagali took part in the meeting. He noted that academic literacy, critical thinking and creative approach to scientific research promote freedom of thought among young scientists.

Moderators: Ph.D. Baishemirov Zharasbek and PhD doctoral student Ryskhan Ainur.

The online meeting was very effective, the participants exchanged many useful ideas.






Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling