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Webinar «Music education»

On August 26,2020, a web session of the PMG RMC was held in the direction of «6B014, 7M014, 8D014-Training of teachers with a subject specialization in General development/Training of music teachers» on The topic «Organization of distance learning process for training music teachers» within the framework of the Republican August meeting-2020 on the topic: «Education and science: features of the new academic year».

The moderator of the webinar was Narikbaeva Lora, head of PMG RMC in the direction of training music teachers, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of music education and choreography.

Target group of the webinar: universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, heads of departments, teachers of educational programs «Music education».

The speakers were:
1. Narikbaeva Lora, Ph. D., Professor, Department of music education and choreography, Institute of arts, culture and sports of Abai KazNPU: «Information technologies in music education».
2. Osmanalieva Saule, the music teacher of the Gymnasium №12, Almaty: «The willingness of music teachers to the beginning of the academic year in terms of distancionnogo education».
3. Kaliakbarova lyailya, Ph. D., Professor, head of the Department. the Department of music education and psychology of the Kazakh national Conservatory named after Kurmangazy: «On the issue of conducting intra-semester control in the educational program «Music education" in the conditions of distance learning».
4. Kolesnikova Galina, Ph. D., associate Professor, head. Department of Musical disciplines «of the North Kazakhstan state University named after M. Kozybayev, Petropavlovsk:"Regional problems of organizing distance training of music teachers».
5. Kakimova Laura , Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of music education and choreography of Abai KazNPU: «Features of mobile applications in distance learning».

The discussion was attended by representatives of 51 universities of Kazakhstan, including: was Attended by 51 people, including representatives of universities of Kazakhstan: NPJSC Pavlodar state University, Pavlodar state Institute, Atyrau state University after H.Dosmukhamedova; Aktobe regional state University after K. Zhubanov; NPJSC Arkalyk pedagogical Institute after I. Altynsarin; Kyzylorda state University after Korkyt ATA (KSU); Zhetysu state University after I. Zhansugurova; North Kazakhstan state University after M. Kozybayev (SKSU); Taraz state pedagogical University (Tarspu), Kazakh national Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Kazakh national women`s teacher training University, Kostanay state pedagogical University named after U. Sultangazin (KSPU), Kazakh national University of arts (Nur-Sultan), Bolashaq Academy (Karaganda), GU named after Shakarim (Semey).

Based on the results of the webinar, methodological recommendations were adopted and developed for the organization of distance learning in the field of training «6B014, 7M014, 8D014-Training of music teachers».