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Literary and musical evening dedicated to the Independence Day

On December 10, 2020 at Abai KazNPU online held an inter-University literary and musical evening on the theme «Tauelsizdik tiregim-Kazakhstan zhuregim», organized by the Department of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and the Institute of Philology and multilingual education. The event was opened with a welcoming speech by the head of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the University G. P. Shakharman. Professor of the Department of Kazakh language and Literature named after academician S. Kirabayev of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education K. Kalybayeva made a speech, and Senior Teacher of the Department of foreign languages Tolegen Merkibayev started the musical evening with the song «Otan - Ana». In order to remember major events from the pages of the country`s history, excerpts from the films «Nomads» and «December events» were shown. The literary side of the evening continued, students from all over Kazakhstan read poems dedicated to the independence of their own composition. Touching poems by Tazhigali Islam and ahmadiev Aybin evoked a lively response from the public. Also many surprised kui of Kurmangazy «Balbyraun» performed Melikovoy of Denary and «Mailykozha Terme» performed by Zhansaya of Erkinovna. at the end of the literary and musical evening, the song «atameken»was performed.