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Meeting on teacher training in the humanities on the topic «Problems of modern history education: experience, quality, technology and project implementation»

On December 24, 2020, the Institute of History and Law, the Department of World History organized a meeting of the project management group in the direction of training teachers in the humanities (history) on the topic «Problems of modern history education: experience, quality, technology and project implementation».


The plenary session of the event was held with the participation of representatives from Istanbul on May 29 University (Turkey), All-Russian Forum «Educators of Russia: Innovations in Education», Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Abai KazNPU.


During the meeting, reports were made on the role of history education and science, on the example of foreign countries. The role and importance of legislative sources in the study of the historical heritage was noted.


The teaching staff of the Institute attended this scientific event. The staff of the World History Department, who shared their thoughts on the topic raised and their proposals for improving the training of industry professionals summed up the session.





Institute of History and Law