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Explanatory work about the spring educational process


On 11-13 January 2021 for the 1st year students of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU Deputy Director for Academic Affairs  Sheripidin Khamrayev and Deputy Director for Educational Work Zhasulan Mukhashev conducted explanatory work on the progress of the spring academic process.


Due to the coronavirus epidemic, which unfortunately is not subsiding, first-year students were informed about the upcoming changes in the spring semester in the 2020-2021 academic year.


First of all, specific information was provided that several groups will be trained in an adjacent offline format in accordance with sanitary requirements. Secondly, there were many questions about the hostel, including «will all students studying offline will be fully provided with a hostel?». To the question they answered meaningfully that «all students will be provided with a hostel.» And the most asked question «Is it possible to continue classes in the online format, in connection with the current situation?». In the presence of medical indications, 1st year students have the right to distance learning on the basis of an application. Lectures and seminars - distance, laboratory and practical classes of an applied nature in compliance with sanitary measures and social distance - are held in a mixed format.


The event was very lively and the students received comprehensive answers to all their questions.