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Open Day «Entrant-2021»

On January 20, 2021, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai University held an online Open Day «Entrant-2021». The participants of the open day were graduates of the Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College and school graduates.


The purpose of the event is to popularize the university and its educational programs, increase the prestige of pedagogical work, and provide the necessary information for those who want to enter AbaiUniversity. On this day, the educational programs of the institute were presented (video and presentation), all participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with the management of the institute and teachers.

Graduates of the college and schools asked questions about admission, about educational grants, a hostel, a paid department and discounts. Teachers and staff of the Institute answered all the questions of school and college graduates, and also told about the advantages of studying at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of AbaiUniversity. We express our gratitude for the assistance in organizing a meeting with the college graduates to Rakhmetzhanova Zhamila, Deputy Director for Educational and Industrial Work of the Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College


Organizers of the Open Day were:
The leader of the marketing Department Zhankushkov B.O.;
Responsible for vocational guidance EP : Baidosov D. K.., Agybay K.E. Ordagulova D. I., Aubakir Bolat;
Leader of the Department of organization and support of educational activities Akzholova A.T.;
Leader of the Department of Public Relations and Social Work Ydyrysov D.T.;
Isa Ukilimai - 3rd year student, the leader of the student administration.