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III Republican Olympiad in Abay Studies

On January 24, 2021 in a boarding school for gifted children, Abai RSBS with profound studying of the Kazakh language and literature, «III Republican Olympiad of Abay Studies», organized by the director of RSBS, Rosa Erbosymkyzy was held. Teachers of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education of Abai KazNPU Associate Professor E. Moldasanov, winner of the nomination «Best teacher of 2019» Zh. Abitova, PhD S. Syzdykov on the topic «Profession - the way to a successful future» in an online format informed the guests and more than 250 winners from different fields of students in grades 9-10-11 about the history of the university, the university`s place in the world market, specialties, benefits, and international cooperation. During the meeting E. Moldasanov pointed out that strategic agreements on cooperation in the sphere of science and education were concluded between the Director of RSBS Almaty R.S. Erbosymkyzy and rector of the University T.O. Balykbayev and Director of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education A. V.Tanzharykova, head of the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S. Kirabayev, Professor N.A. Ilyasova. He also reported on the work done in this area and congratulated the winners of the II Republican Olympiad, expressing gratitude on behalf of the rectorate to the director of RSBS Rosa Erbosymkyzy.