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Republican football tournament among students


From 26 to 30 September 2018, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University will be hold the Republican student football tournament dedicated to the 80th birthday of Tokmukhamed Sadykov, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan.

Tasks of the tournament:

- patriotic education of youth;

- popularization of student football;

- inculcation of skills of a healthy way of life among youth.

To the attention of the tournament participants!

Teams of tournament participants must have two sets of soccer uniforms (different colors).

The university flag with a logo (size 1mx2m) in 2 copies must be submitted before 25 September, 2018 to the organizing committee of the tournament.

The University logo in electronic format (jpg, png) must be sent until 26 August, 2018 by e-mail:

Group photo of the team, photo of the rector, photo of the chairman (director of the sports club), photo of the senior coach, which will be sent before 26 August, 2018 by e-mail:

According to the status of the tournament, the application includes 16 players of students, undergraduates, doctoral students and three teachers who are not older than 25 years of this institution and 2 official representatives. Players who compete in the RK championships as part of the Premier League, First and Second league of football (the position of the tournament is attached) are not allowed to the games.

Transportation costs, meals, accommodation are paid by the participants of the competition.

Application for participation in the tournament must be submitted before 10 September, 2018 at the address: Almaty, Sports Club of Abai KazNPU. Dostyk, 13.

The session of the judiciary and the Verification Commission will be held 25 September, 2018 at 15:00 at the stadium "Spartak" (educational building, room 104).

Place: Almaty, Spartak stadium.

Contact information: Director of the sports club Erlan Adambekov, phone: 8701 761 0763, e-mail: