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Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad

On February 4, 2021, Department of International Cooperation, Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU, the publishing house «Almatykitap Baspasy» and the specialized lyceum № 165 in Almaty held a meeting dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the battle of Stalingrad «I gave my own son, Stalingrad citizens, to your ranks!» (Zh. Zhabayev).

Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, the Vice-Rector of the University of Strategic Development and Internationalization, addressed the participants of the meeting, who gathered more than a hundred, with a welcoming speech. Olga Moshcheeva, Chief Specialist-Expert of the Russian Consulate General in Almaty, also greeted the Kazakh and Russian spectators.


Lyceum students of the Specialized Lyceum № 165 gave the whole meeting a sincere and agitated intonation, having read Zhambyl Zhabayev`s poem «The Enduring Fortress» dedicated to the Battle of Stalingrad.


Elena Chilikova, the chief expert of the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spoke at the meeting. Her report «Sources about Kazakhstanis - participants in the Battle of Stalingrad» showed new pages in the study of this historical topic.

The young participants of the meeting learned a lot from the story of Mikhail Nasekin, the leading methodologist of the excursion and educational department of the battle of Stalingrad Museum-Reserve (Volgograd). His message «The Battle of Stalingrad: lessons from History» was accompanied by an expressive demonstration of museum exhibits and military newsreels.


The young people were particularly impressed by the performance of Ilyas Autov, an honoured figure of the Republic of Kazakhstan and leader of the «Motor-Roller» band. He spoke about the history of the song «Stalingrad», the video clip of which was shown at the event.


Concluding the evening, the Head of the department of Russian language and literature Saule Abisheva emphasized the importance of the conversation for its young participants. It is necessary that the memory of the past, of the feat of the entire multinational Soviet people during the war, be preserved in new generations of Kazakhstan.