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In honor of the International Day of Older Persons


From October 2 to October 11, 2018, on the eve of the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU, the Decade starts in honor of the International Day of Older Persons, organized by the volunteer club «Meyirim». The decade is held in the framework of the project «Bizdin Jenis» of the public foundation «Council of the Great Patriotic War veterans, rear workers and children of war» in Almaty.

The main objective of the International Day of Older Persons is to draw the attention of all the inhabitants of the planet to the social difficulties and problems faced by older people. Therefore, the Day of Older Persons is not only a holiday, wise with life experience, it is the Day of Goodness and Respect, the Day of Gratitude, the Day of Help, in which everyone without exception should take part, regardless of age, gender and status.

Based on the letter No. 186 of 09/25/2018 of the Public Foundation «Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Workers of the Rear and War Children» in Almaty, within the framework of the project «Bіzdіn Zhenіs», 250 volunteer students from the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, the Institute of Natural Science and Geography, the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education will be involved in public work during the decade.