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The historical role of Abylai Khan

The Department of History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T. S. Sadykov of the Institute of History and Law, on April 7, 2021, within the framework of the «Month of Science-2021», held a scientific and educational lecture with the director of the Center «Study of Modern China» of the Al-Farabi KazNU, Professor Nabizhan Mukhamedzhanuly on the topic «Knowledge and politics of the Chinese Qing Empire according to Abylai Khan».
During the event, Abylai Khan conducted a comparative analysis of the history, diplomatic services between the two countries in the interests of the country on the basis of archival data in China and made valuable reports. In particular, about the writing of the Horde letters of the Qing Empire, about the content of the letters-requests of Abylai Khan to the Qing Empire, about their return to the Kazakhs of the Ili Region, the Altai Territory, the eastern region of the Land of Tarbagatai, the answers to which are given by the Qing Empire on the basis of Chinese archival data. In addition, during the lecture, examples of Abylai Khan`s merits in restoring the ethnic territory of the Kazakhs were given, based on fresh information and historical data on the diplomatic solution of the border issue at that time.

Also, Professor Nabizhan Mukhamedzhanuly summed up the lecture that in 1750 the Qing Empire recognized Abylai Khan as the head-khan of the Kazakh people, in connection with which the policy was applied.


The lecture was attended by about 100 faculty members, undergraduates, doctoral students of Abai KazNPU, Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev, Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamed and other higher educational institutions of the country.