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Month of Science at the Department of Russian Language and Literature

The events of the month of Science were continued with a scientific conference, which took place on April 8, 2021, at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education. All teachers of the department made reports in four sections.

The reports on the section «Problems of teaching the Russian Language to students of non-philological specialties» highlighted various aspects of the methodology of teaching the Russian language: the integration of literature and ICT technologies, the development of students` communication skills, the specifics of teaching the Russian language in an online format, the use of interactive teaching methods, distance learning technologies , peculiarities of studying certain topics of the program and others.
The reports at the linguistics section were devoted to the most pressing problems of various aspects of modern linguistics: psycholinguistics, linguoconceptology, sociolinguistics, gender, cognitive and axiological linguistics, cultural linguistics.

At the meeting of the section «Methods of teaching the Russian language and literature», the participants discussed the most important problems of teaching philological disciplines at school and university: achievements of modern linguodidactics, an integrated approach to teaching, problems of dual and distance learning at a university, ways of developing reading competence, etc.


The Literary studies section offered the participants a variety of literary criticism approaches. The reports presented literary psychoanalysis, a linguo-poetic approach to a poetic text, research on genreology, etc. The topics of the reports also covered a wide range of problems and literary eras: the study of oneiric techniques in epic poems, the reception of an American theme in Russian literature, the poetics of non fiction literature, etc.


The scientific novelty and practical significance of the topics of the reports aroused keen interest of the conference participants and determined a constructive discussion. Such meetings are important and useful in that they allow colleagues to take part in a productive dialogue, without which scientific work is impossible.