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Turkestan Declaration: Common Turkic spiritual Values


On April 8, 2021, a webinar «Turkestan Declaration: Common Turkic spiritual values» was organized by the Oriental Philology and Translation chair teachers of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education Yergali Esbosynov, Gulnaz Satbay, Nurzhamal Kospaganbetova. The event was opened by the senior lecturer of the department Esbosynov E. Z., who introduced the speakers and participants.


The first speaker was Phonetics сhair`s chief researcher of the Institute of Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov, Doctor of Philology, Professor Alimkhan Zhunusbek with a report « The theory of Kazakh writing». The well-known scientist noted in his report that from the point of view of phonomorphology and phonetics, all three variants of the Latin Kazakh alphabet have their significant drawbacks. Professor of the Kazakh Language and Literature`s chair named after Academician S. S. Kirabayev, Doctor of Philology G. S. Kosymova presented a report on the topic «The History of the Turks languages` writing «, making a general overview of the historical community of writing and graphics of the Turkic languages. President of the International Society of the Kazakh Language, Doctor of Philology, Professor E. Z. Kazhybek in his report «The Common Turkic alphabet - the guarantee of the integrity of the Turkic world» noted that the Turkic world has high hopes for the Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin alphabet. He noted that this is constantly reminded by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev. Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S. S. Kirabayev K. S. Kalybayeva in her report «Some considerations about a single Turkic language» considered the specific and regional features of the Turkic languages. She noted that the identification of the Turkic languages is the key to the formation of the Turkic countries as one of the centers of world cultures, and this is possible if the common Turkic alphabet based on the Latin alphabet is adopted. In his report «Unity in Writing: the Latin alphabet of the Turkic-speaking peoples», Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation, R. U. Arziev made a comparative analysis of the Latin alphabet of the Turks representing Azerbaijan and Central Asia. He noted that the Kazakh alphabet based on the Latin alphabet is applicable not only to the Kazakh language, but also to all the Turkic languages inhabiting the country, and reported on the project of the Uyghur Latin alphabet based on the Kazakh Latin alphabet. A. Zh.Bayniyazov, professor of the Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literature of Ardahan University, Turkey, in his report «Turkestan - the spiritual capital of the Turkic world» noted that the city of Turkestan is not only a geographical name but also deservedly has the status of the spiritual capital of all Turkic countries. peoples. He noted that Turkestan has a great potential for reaching the general Turkic level, both in science, culture and undoubtedly in tourism. Osman Kabadai, a volunteer teacher of the Oriental Philology and Translation chair, in his report «The meaning and significance of the concept of I. Gaspyraly «Unity of language, Thought and action», noted that there are all historical prerequisites for the similarity of the Turkic countries in terms of global positioning in the international arena, as in the last century.


During the webinar, the speakers and participants noted the importance of the First President - Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev`s theses about the Latin alphabet, which he expressed 31March in Turkestan:»...Along with humanitarian and cultural development, we can learn a lot from each other. The use of the Latin alphabet gives us a common system through which we are able to contribute to the development of our youth on a global level. It is important for us to develop together» ( Noting that the essence of the thesis is that the Latin alphabet of the Kazakh language should reflect all the needs of the language in the context of common Turkic spiritual values and this should be taken into account in the current conditions. The participants also noted the importance of a balanced and thoughtful approach to the functioning of such specialties as Turkology.


The web conference was attended by students, undergraduates and teachers led by senior teacher and Philology and Multilingual Education institute`s deputy director for Educational Work Yerlan Kasenov. The moderator of the web conference was Yergali Esbosynov. Technical support was provided by the teacher N. H. Kospaganbetova. All participants of the web conference noted the relevance and significance of the topic and, as far as possible, the regular organization of such meetings.