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Victory of the philology students in the Republican Subject Olympiad

On April 28-29, 2021, the Republican student subject Olympiad in the specialty «6В01702 - Russian language and literature» was held at the North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev (Petropavlovsk). Students from different universities in Kazakhstan participated.


The Olympics consisted of three rounds. Written tours of the Russian language and literature included challenging assignments in various sections of linguistics and essays on literary studies. The creative competition involved the creation of a video clip on the topic «For the common good: heirs of the Pushkin traditions (to the 110th anniversary of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)».

The competition committee summed up the results in three nominations - team competition, individual championship and creative competition.

The team trained by the Department of Russian Language and Literature (3rd year students Zarina Dyusembayeva, Asem Oktambek and Lidiya Serikova) under the leadership of Associate Professor Zinaida Polyak achieved high results:

Team competition - II place.
Individual championship: Zarina Dyusembayeva - I place, Asem Oktambek - II place.

Creative competition - III place.

According to the tradition of the Republican Olympiads, the university whose student took first place in the individual championship becomes the base university for holding the Republican Olympiad in the next academic year.

We congratulate the winners of the Republican Subject Olympiad and wish them success and new victories!