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Summer School for heads of institutes and structural subdivisions of Abai KazNPU


On June 14, 2021, The Summer School «Abai KazNPU: experience and problems of higher pedagogical education» for heads of institutes, deputy directors of institutes, heads of departments, teaching staff and structural subdivisions started its work.


Rector of Abai KazNPU, Darkhan Bilyalov congratulated with the opening of the summer school and noted the importance of discussion of key issues on preparation of pedagogical staff for the implementation of the renewal of the content of education.

Vice-rectors Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, Zhanatbek Shpekbaev and Sayabek Sakhiev welcomed participants of the event and familiarized those present with achievements and tasks for the new academic year.


Director of the Department of Educational Programs Adilya Baidildina provided information on problems and solutions of online learning, models and evaluation criteria for massive open online courses (MOOC), director of the Department of Academic Affairs Khairulla Zhanbekov offered for discussion «Standard rules of organizations that implement educational programs of higher and postgraduate education».


Nurgeldi Abeu - PhD doctoral student, lecturer of Nazarbayev Intellectual School - shared his experience on digital literacy, creation of effective platforms for use in distance and offline learning format. The speaker presented PresentationTube, supa, class flow, udoba zipgrade, quizalize, learningapps platforms, showed the effectiveness of organising work in online mode, their advantages.


This seminar was attended by directors and deputy directors of institutes, heads of departments, teaching staff, heads of departments. At the end of the presentations there was an exchange of opinions on the topical issues of the university`s work on the implementation of MOOC. The participants were acquainted with the current issues related to the changes in the regulatory documents and discussed the ways of their implementation.