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Historical and educational lecture «Umit etken dostarym»

dedicated to the 180th anniversary of I. Altynsarin

On October 7, 2021, a historical and educational (online / offline) lecture «Umit etken dostarym» was held at the Abai KazNPU, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh educator-teacher Ibrai Altynsarin.


A welcoming speech was made by the moderator of the event, the head of the center «Uly dala tulqalary», professor G.R.Nurymbetova.


An exhibition of works by I.Altynsarin and books devoted to the study of his pedagogical and literary heritage was organized.


Professor of KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev D. Salkynbek in his report «Luminary of the Kazakh steppe» analyzed the works of I. Altynsarin. Head of the Department of Professional Training of Primary Education Programs of the University, Professor A. Zhumabayeva, noting the importance of studying the works of I.Altynsarin in the learning process, highlighted the relevance of his teaching methods today.


An employee of the I.Altynsarin memorial museum (Kostanay) N. Shektibayeva made an overview of the exhibits related to the life and work of the great teacher and educator.


It is necessary to note the active participation of students: 3rd year student of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education A. Sazanbay, awarded the main prize of the republican competition named after I. Altynsarin, made a report «The invaluable heritage of I.Altynsarin», 2nd year students of the same institute, members of the «Urker» club Z. Tazhibay and A. Berdishev read poems of the educator.


The life and fruitful work of I. Altynsarin on teaching and upbringing of the younger generation are a vivid example for all future teachers.