Place of work and position after graduation
2003 - present: Senior Lecturer of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology and LS, AbayKazNPU
1. А. Tsoy, E. Abzhanova, A. Turgambayeva, G. Zhussupova, T. Shalakhmetova, T. Nurkenov, Sh. Askarova. Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Plant Extract From Limonium Gmelinii // Abstract book. - 3rd International Conference «Personalized Medicine and Global Health», September 15, 2017, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, Р.82.
2. ЦойА.К., ЖусуповаГ.Е., ОлжаевФ.С., ШалахметоваТ.М., НуркеновТ.Т., ШаяхметовЕ.Г., АбжановаЭ.Р., ТургамбаеваА.М., СапарбаевС.С., АскароваШ.Н. АнтиоксидантныеинейропротекторныесвойствафитопрепаратаизкермекаГмелина // ВестникКзНУ. Серия биологическая. - - 2017.- Т. 71, №2 - C.96-104.
Since when does he work at the department
Since 2003 - senior lecturer of the Department of Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology and LS, AbayKazNPU