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Advanced graduates of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography


On November 24, 2021, an offline online meeting on the topic «Advanced graduates of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography» was held at the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography by the Career Development Department. The event was organized according to the annual plan of the Institute as part of the implementation of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program.


The meeting was attended by: vice-rector for social development Nurlanov Shyngys, executive director of the Abai KazNPU Alumni Association Nurbatyrov Bolatbek, director of the institute Kaymuldinova Kulyash, employees of the institute`s career development department, invited guests - graduates, faculty and teaching staff, students.


Kaymuldinova Kulyash made an introductory speech. She thanked the guests for their participation in the event and noted its importance. Graduates of previous years spoke about the brightest moments of their student life, recalling their teachers with sincere gratitude. All graduates expressed pride that they graduated from our university and received a ticket to their future life.


Graduates of the older generation wished their successors excellent studies and success in everything, and also urged them to keep the high bar of their native university.


The meeting took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, all the participants were glad to see each other and wished many such events.