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76th scientific conference «30 Years of Independence: language, spirituality and learning problems»


The 76th scientific and traditional conference of students and master students «30 years of independence: language, spirituality and learning problems» was successfully held. The sections «Kazakhstan and the world of the east: new directions in oriental studies» and «development of translation studies in independent Kazakhstan» at the Department of oriental philology and translation the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education of Abai KazNPU began their work after the plenary session. The annual scientific conference of master students and students was held by the chairmen of the conferences.

This academic year, students and master students of the department presented 38 scientific articles that were included in the conference program. Teachers of the department, master students and students listened to the reports of the speakers, analyzed them among themselves, discussed issues and achievements. The best participants of the conference were awarded prizes, as well as the research works of master students, students who took I, II, III places in the future were recommended to continue and develop the themes of scientific articles in dissertations and diploma projects.