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Open educational class «Frozen Fates»

On December 14, 2021, at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, in cooperation with the 1st year students of the 2nd group of the specialty «Kazakh language and literature» and their adviser Seitalieva Karlygash, an open educational class was held on the topic «Frozen Fates».

The open class began with the memory of young people who took to the streets during that icy frost of cruel days. During the lesson, visual content was demonstrated, artistic thematic text was read. A dialogue between the grandson and his grandmother was staged in order for the audience to feel the atmosphere of December 1986. Students of other groups (1-4 courses) took an active part in the open class, answered questions and shared their thoughts.

Students have prepared special video footages about the participants of the December events. It was noted how much blood, how much sweat was shed so that we could witness the present time. The participants voiced their internal monologues.


The open class was attended by deputy director of the Institute for educational work Kasenov Yerlan, associate professor of the department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after academician S. Kirabayev, Moldasanov Ersain and students of the department.

Participants of the event showed great activity during the open educational class. Noting the relevance of the topic, the students stressed that today it is necessary to pay tribute to the young people who died during the severe frosts of that memorable December. The open class began with the song «The December Wind» and ended with the song «Blue flag fluttering». The students were inspired, stating: «We would also have taken to the streets during the December events!» and thanked the participants and organizers of the event. The effort students put in this event was highly appreciated!