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Preparation of teachers of pedagogical specialties for dual training of 3rd year students


From January 17 to January 21, 2022, in accordance with the plan of the «Winter School - 2022», the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of Abay KazNPU conducted a 40-hour distance learning course in Kazakh and Russian on the topic «Organization of dual education in a distance format for students of the 3rd year of pedagogical specialties in the 2021-2022 academic year» for teachers of pedagogical specialties responsible for dual education.


The course was attended by 32 teachers from the institutes of pedagogy and psychology, natural science and geography, mathematics, physics and computer science, philology and multilingual education, art, culture and sports.


The teachers of the center Orakova A. Sh., Kornilova T. B. acquainted the participants of the course with the regulatory legal documents that guide educational organizations in the 2021-2022 academic year, gave recommendations on methodological support for 3rd year students of pedagogical specialties during the period of pedagogical practice in the distance format learning, according to the peculiarities of methods and ways of organizing the educational process in ensuring the quality of education in the conditions of the updated content of education. We discussed the benefits and ways of introducing coaching and mentoring into practice, methodological support in the organization of the Lesson study and Action research process.