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Asylbekuly Serik
Asylbekuly Serik
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY He graduated from high school in the Kyzylorda region, university and graduate school in Almaty. Graduated from the Abay Kazakh Pedagogical Institute. Philologist. Playwright. Teaches at KazNPU. Author of over 80 scientific articles. Combines scientific, creative and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Modern Kazakh literature, Kazakh literature of 1941-1960, Kazakh literature of 1960-2000, Modern literary process - teaching in the native language. In the magistracy: Theoretical foundations of the era of Kazakh literature, Schools and directions in literary criticism In doctoral studies: Poetics of the Kazakh story
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY More than 80 scientific publications on the history and theory of Kazakh literature, including the monograph: "Kazakh stories (Genesis, evolution, poetics)"; Study guide: "Modern Kazakh stories" (Almaty: "Zheti zhargy", 2005); Selected (2 volumes). - Astana: "Foliant" publishing house, "Syrdarya Library" series; standard programs and more than 80 scientific articles. Two articles have been published in journals with an impact factor: "The world of novelistic literature by Mukhtar Magauin" // Journal of Language and Literature. 2016. - T.7. -Iss 1.- p. 106-109. (Azerbaijan). "Monuments of the modern dramatic genre and the Kazakh playwright" // Language and Literature, ISBN: 2078-0303, Vol. 6. No. November 4, 2015.
AWARDS Member of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan (1984), Laureate of the Beimbet Mailin Prize of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan (1987), Grand Prix of the international literary competition "Spirit" in the nomination "Drama" (2017), Chairman of the Drama Council of the Union of Writers of Kazakhstan (2018). Awarded with diplomas of schools in the city of Almaty.
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