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From theory to practice


Center for advanced training and distance education of Abai KazNPU organized as part of the preparation of third-year students in dual education for teaching practice under the program «Updating the content of preschool education and training. The level of preparation of students for teaching practice» 72-hour advanced training course for 3rd year students of the specialty «6В010100-Preschool education and upbringing» (Kazakh and Russian groups) of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.


The course, which took place from January 24 to February 4, 2022, was attended by more than 100 students, the director of the Institute for Early Childhood Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Manara Adamova, heads and methodologists of state nursery gardens in Almaty, teachers of educational programs.


The purpose of the course is the professional development of the pedagogical skills of graduate students in the context of updating the content of preschool education and training; implementation of planning, design and organization of the educational process; introduction of a system of criteria-based assessment in the context of updating the content of education; introduction of the principles of development of critical thinking; organization of the educational process in kindergartens.


The trainees not only got acquainted with the extensive documentation consisting of 6 modules, but also combined it with practical experience, as well as new regulations on updating the content of preschool education and training, scientific-pedagogical and innovative methods, Spiral learning, STEM and SMART educational technologies, with the new requirements of inclusive education.


Head of the course Saule Yerkebayeva, senior lecturer of Abai KazNPU, successfully completed a 2-week course and shared her practical experience with students.

At the end of the course, the director of the Institute for Early Childhood Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Manara Adamova and the head of educational programs for preschool education, social pedagogy and self-knowledge Ulbosyn Kiyakbayeva, the head of kindergarten №96 Natalya Kraseva spoke, who expressed their suggestions and expressed the hope that from February 7 to May 10 In 2022, they will accept interns from Abai KazNPU. Students listened with interest and openly expressed their opinions, noting that they would comprehensively analyze the results of the two-week course.