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   Главная / Satemirova Dariga Amantaykyzy

Satemirova Dariga Amantaykyzy



D.A/  Satemirova was born on August 3, 1973 in the Keles district of the Turkestan region. In 1990 she graduated from high school named after. Abai with a gold medal. In 1990, she graduated with honors from the philological faculty of the Almaty State University named after Abay. In 2001 she defended her thesis on specialty 10.01.02 - Kazakh literature for the degree of candidate of philological sciences. Since 2002, he has been working at this university as a teacher, an older teacher.



Educational Institution


Graduation Date

ASU named after Abay

Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature at the Russian school




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of diploma

Candidate of philology

History of Kazakh literature

April 11, 2001 ProtocolNo. 27.




Undergraduate studies:Ancient literature and literature of the Khan period, the history of the Cossack literature of the 15th-18th centuries, the history of literary criticism.

In the magistracy: National mentality in fiction, National character of Kazakh literature


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY -Deals with the history of Kazakh literature. Scientific monographs: "Literary heritage of YerimbetKoldeibekuly" Almaty, Arys, 2018.-146 pages; The motive "holy" in the story "Zaual" by DidakhmetAshimkhanuly. KazNPU bulletin, 2019 # 1; The role of studying lyric works according to the updated program in Russian-speaking schools VestnikKazNPU, 2020 №1


SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - Development of educational programs - In the 2019-2020 academic year, an EP in the specialty 6В017 - teacher training in languages and literature worked. Bachelor`s, Master`s, Doctorate and Distance Learning Programs (5 in total). In the 2020-2021 academic year, she worked as an EP in the specialty 6B023-languages and literature: philology Bachelor`s degree.

Further training: 1. "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" AEO course of pedagogical skills 2020 02-13.03 80 hours.

2. "Journalism: the use of innovative methods in the educational process" online course 72 hours 14-28 October 2019

3. KazNPU named after Abay and WarminskMazury University (Poland) 4-29 November 2019 76 hours

4. KazNPU named after Abay and the Center for training courses of the Turkish language in Kazakhstan. 72 hours 18-28 .11.2019



Certificate of honor of the rector of the university. 2013; Medal of the 90th anniversary of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Almaty, 2018; Medal of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai "The best teacher". Almaty, 2019


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