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M. Makatayev`s poetry stimulates the best qualities and feelings in people


On February 8, 2022 at the Institute of Philology and multilingual education of Abai KazNPU a literary evening devoted to the anniversary of the famous Kazakh poet Mukagali Makataev was held.


Guests of honor of the event were Shayakhmet Imashuly, an excellent cinematographer and researcher of the art of M. Makataev, singer Askar Akimbekuly, a young teacher Zhetkinshek Mendigaliev. Each of those present was again charmed by the depth and beauty of the poetry of M. Makatayev, rediscovering the unique beauty of life, its harmony, which can awaken the best qualities and feelings in man... Friendship, love, nobility of soul, honor! the 1st year student of a speciality «Kazakh language and literature» Yeldos Serik, having noted importance of meeting, has devoted to all its participants the soulful poem.


«Today, we have deeply felt something that, unfortunately, we often do not notice in everyday life. Thank you Mukagali! Thank you to the organisers!» the event guests said excitedly.