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The university is proud of its young scientists



Abai KazNPU is not only a leader in the training of teaching staff, but also a flagship in the development of science. The Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education employs many talented young teachers who give our students solid knowledge and increase their desire for professional growth. One of them is PhD, postdoctoral student Dina Sabirova.

D.Sabirova is the owner of the Bolashak International Scholarship following the decision of the Republican Commission for the Training of Personnel Abroad dated 09/08/2021, in 2022 she will undergo a scientific internship at the George Washington University (USA). In 2016, she was the owner of a state scientific scholarship for talented young scientists. And in the current academic year, the young teacher deservedly received the grant «Best University Teacher» in 2021; actively participates in international scientific projects: «Japan in World Literature: Literary Education in Post-Soviet Countries». (Japan) in 2015-2016; «Study of the formation of reading skills of primary school students and the factors that determine it» (Russia) in 2020-2021; currently participates in the Erasmus+ KAZDUAL project «Implementation of the Dual System in Kazakhstan»; the author of school textbooks on Russian literature of a new generation and updated content under the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 11 grades; has published more than 50 scientific papers, including 7 articles in journals with an impact factor in the Scopus scientific database. It has an Hirsch-2 index.


Our university is proud of its young scientists, who make an important contribution to the development of education and science in Kazakhstan.