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Kabaeva Zhuldyz Abdykarimovna
Kabaeva Zhuldyz Abdykarimovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY (no more than 150) Born, graduated from school, university in Pavlodar. Further postgraduate studies, Ph.D. thesis defense, work in universities of Almaty, doctoral studies, doctoral dissertation defense in philosophy. Work in KazNPU, which my father, Kabaev Abdykarim, who finished brilliantly earlier and became a worthy educator & his school is rightfully proud of him. I have over 100 published works. I combine scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduate studies: Philosophy, Ancient Philosophy, Philosophy of Modern Times; - in three languages In the magistracy: Philosophy of Education, Modern Eastern Philosophy. Ontology is the same theory. In doctoral studies: Philosophy and Methodology of Scientific Research, Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences, French Postmodernism
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Works on problems related to the field of cognitive science, to the area of interaction between the cultures of the West and the East. Has over 100 publications, including 6 monographs(«Запад-Казахстан-Восток: Познание и культура»Второе издание. -Алматы:Лира, 2017. - 160 с.; «Батыс -Казақстан- Шығыс: таным және мәдениет». -Алматы: Лира, 2017.-160 б... Кабаева Ж.А.« Ғылымның дербес аспектілерін философиялық тұрғыдан ұғыну». - Алматы: Лира, 2017. - 120 б. Философское осмысление отдельных аспектов науки.Алматы,2016.- 130 с). Three articles written by me and published in impact factor journals (Q3) (The formation way of independent Kazakhstan from the individualism and collectivism perspective. Journal Opcion , vol.34, Issue 85-2, 706-728 p., 2018. E- IISN: 1012-1)
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). More than 40 guidelines published.
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050010, Қазақстан Республикасы
Кеңсе: 291-48-74, 291-37-23 (факс)
Қабылдау комиссиясы: 8(727)291-57-68
Call-орталығы: 8 (727) 221 85 14
Психологиялық қызмет секторы: 8 700 976 89 97
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