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On 17 February, 2017 at the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University held  Republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the discussion of President Nursultan Nazarbayev`s Message to people of the RK "The 3rd modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness".
In the event took part Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the RK Igor Rogov, Chairman of the Supreme Court Kairat Mami, Rector`s Office of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Co-Director of the ISK Madame Marie-Anne Serve (France), and Co-Director of the ISK (Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University) doctor of economic science , professor Gulmira Nurlikhina , Academician of the NAS RK, Doctor of Law, professor S.N. Sabikenov, Head of the International Law Chair ISK, Doctor of Law, professor A.A. Sabitova, doctor of historical sciences, professor E.A. Kuznetsov, head of the of international relations Chair ISK Zh.K. Simtikov, representatives of scientific intelligentsia of the Republic and of academic staff of universities.
Chairman of the Constitutional Council I.I. Rogov, in speech highlighted the main aspects of the draft law "About amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan", also he noted that the working group continues to work on the synthesis of proposals received. Kairat Mami informed about the work of the Supreme Court on the implementation challenges facing s judicial corps in the light of the Message of the execution and implementation of reforms at redistribution of powers between branches of government. During the conference functioned three sections, in which discussed issues of constitutional and legal development of the country on base of the President`s Message to the people of Kazakhstan, the priorities of foreign policy and education issues. There have been reports of the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, known Kazakhstan scientists. Participants of the event expressed their appreciation for the draft law on amendments to the Constitution proposed to discuss by the Head of State. A number of suggestions that will be sent to the working group.
By results of the conference whole staff of the university was voiced a common opinion that in the context of globalization and international competition innovation economy, strengthening the business environment, the fight against corruption, capacity building of human capital are key factors of the country`s development, the further democratization of society and state.