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Republican student aytys «Menin pirim - Suyinbay»

On March 3-4, 2022, at Abai KazNPU the republican students` aytys «Menin pirim - Suyinbai», dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh statesman and public figure, enlightener and leader of «Alash» movement Akhmet Baytursynov, was held. The aim of the event was to show the skills of young talents, to tell about the life, creative work and scientific heritage of A. Baytursynov and to teach young people to love their country, to contribute to its prosperity and instil national self-consciousness.


The members of the jury were well-known poets, such as Honoured worker of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board of «Aytys akyns and zhyrshy termeshi» International Union, holder of «Parasat» and «Kurmet» orders Jursyn Yerman, Rinat Zaiytov, the director of theatre of traditional art «Alatau», Bekarys Shoibekov, the holder of order «Kurmet», professor Temirkhan Tebgenov, the senior teacher of chair «Disturlikәn» of the Kazakh national academy of arts named after T. Zhurgenev Yerkebulan Kaynazarov, cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serik Kaliyev.

Aytys was held in two stages: 20 aitysketers passed to the final stage. Main Prize and 350 000 KZT was won by Aybek Zheniskazin, I place and 250 000 KZT by Nurbol Zhauynbayev, II place and 150 000 KZT by Erasyl Zhaksybek and Ayim Asylbekyzy. Beksultan Orynbasarov, Zhanarys Tleubek and Bekegaly Bekbolat shared the third place: 100,000 KZT was awarded to each of them. Participants were awarded letters of appreciation from the university and special prizes.