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Advanced training courses for authors of school textbooks

From February 28 to March 11, the Center of Teaching Excellence of Abai KazNPU, at the request of publishers on a commercial basis (extra-budgetary), conducted advanced training courses for authors of school textbooks on the topic: «Modern school textbook in the conditions of updated educational content» (80 hours) and teaching aids for preschool education and upbringing (PEU) on the topic: «Preparation of educational and methodological complexes in the field of preschool education and education». The programs were developed by Orakova A.Sh. and Kornilova T.B. on the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (letter No. 18-1/60 dated 04/20/2020).

The courses were conducted in the format of distance learning. The course program was aimed at improving the professional level of the authors in the development of a school textbook and tools for the examination of textbooks and teaching materials within the framework of updating the content of secondary education and preschool education and education. Much attention was paid to improving the skills of implementing the requirements for writing school textbooks and preschool education and education in accordance with the current regulatory legal acts in the field of education.

138 students from the publishing houses «Almatykitap», «Atamura», «Arman PV», «EduStream», »Zerdeli» akyl-oh damytu mektebi were sent for training. The participants of the courses were both current authors and author groups, as well as practical teachers who are starting to write textbooks and teaching materials.

20 leading scientists in the field of textbook studies were involved in the classes; 8 of them were employees of Abai KazNPU.

A feature of these courses was the training of a large group of authors of educational and methodological complexes for the system of preschool education and upbringing (PEU) in connection with the approval of the Model of development of preschool education and training and its implementation. At these courses, much attention was paid to the principles of the development of variable curricula, the use of a variety of teaching methods and technologies, forms, methods, methods of organizing the educational process, quality criteria of the PEU.

At the end of the course, a round table was held with the participation of Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Bektemesov M.A., Director of the Department for Designing Educational Programs Baidildina A.M., as well as Deputy Director of the Institute of Secondary Education of the Altynsarin National Academy of Education, Duysebek A.T., Director of the Republican Institute early development of children of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Adamova M.E., First Vice-President of the corporation «Atamura» Zharylgasimov G.N., Editor-in-chief of the Kazakh edition of the publishing house «Almatykitap baspasy» O.Abdishukiruly, adviser to the general director of the publishing house «Arman-PV» Tursyngaliev S. Ch., director of «Zerdeli» akyl-oh damytu mektebi M. Yrysbek, lecturers and course participants.


Issues related to the creation and examination of educational literature, improvement of curricula were discussed at the meeting.