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Practice as an element of independent work of students

Students of the 4th year of non-pedagogical specialties of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, according to the academic calendar, from January 24 - April 18, 2022, undergo practical training. This practice takes place offline in the city of Almaty, according to contracts with the bases of the event.

The internship is supervised by the career development department represented by Jamilova Saule, Kamieva Gulzhanat, Zhusupbekova Nursulu, Kasenov Soltanbek.

For students of the specialty 5B060700- Biology, the practice takes place at the institutes of zoology and botany and phytointroduction of the NAS MES RK. Specialty 5B060600- Chemistry at the institute of chemical sciences named after A.B. Bekturov. Students of specialty 5B060800-Ecology in the hydrometeorological department of RSE «Kazhydromet». Specialty 5B060900-Geography - Institute of geography and water security. Students of specialty 5B090200-Tourism - «Platinum Travel Kazakhstan» LLP.

The educational process at the university is a synthesis of training, industrial practice and research work of students. Practice as an element of the educational process is carried out with the aim of consolidating and expanding the knowledge gained by students at the university; acquiring the necessary practical skills to work in the specialty in production conditions; mastering advanced methods of technology and labor.

Practice contributes to the development of independent work of students. During the internship, students learn to independently select and systematize information within the framework of the tasks assigned to them; apply the knowledge gained in practice; study technology and equipment; develop teamwork skills; exercise self-control.