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   Главная / Kadyrbaeva Bagdagul Ahmadievna

Kadyrbaeva Bagdagul Ahmadievna


Last name

Kadyrbaeva Bagdagul


 He was graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of KazPI named after Abay in 1989 with a specialization "Physics Mathematics Teacher".

Step by Step

Since 2003 year the candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.02

Academic rank

since 2010 zhildan academician MAIN

Speaks languages

Kazakh, Russian, with the dictionary: English

Work experience

29 years, including 23 years in college 1989-1995 - teacher of mathematics and head of the training part, 1995 - a research associate of KazIPO named after Altynsarin, 1995-1998. graduate student Agu Im Abay, since 1999. Senior lecturer of the University, including since 2003. until 2008, deputy dean of physics and mathematics faculty for scientific work, works at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the KazNPU named after Abai.

Scientific works

Total 82 Including tutorials:

1 Mathematics - 6 didactic materials: teaching aids / Kadyrbaeva BA, Seitova SM, Zhotabayeva B., Tasbolatova RB, Jaroldina GK, Taldykorgan: ZhSU, 2005. - 144 p.

2.Didactic materials Algebra-7, teaching aids / Kadyrbaeva BA, Seitova SM, Tasbulatova RB and b. Taldykorgan, publishing house of ZhSU, 2007 - 122 p.

3. Didactic materials of algebra-8, educational-methodical manual Kadyrbaeva BA, Seitova SM, Tasbulatova RB, М.М. Abdildayeva Taldykorgan, LLP "Printsland", 2009 -80b.

4. Didactic materials "Algebra 9". Teaching aid / Kadyrbaeva BA, SM Seitova, RB Tasbulatova Taldykorgan: Publishing house of Zhetysu state university (14.11.2012) 104b

5. Laboratory works in informatics. Methodological manual / Kadyrbaeva BA, Belgozhaeva Sh.D., Unaybaeva RK, Tohtamatova AA Almaty: Tandem-2, 2010.-140 p.

6. Basics of computer simulation. Teaching aid / Halykova K.Z Kadyrbaeva BA Almaty, named after Abay KazNPU, 2012.-174 p.


Methods of improving self-employment of pupils in the learning process of mathematics. Monograph Almaty, Abay. KazNPU, 2015zh - 236p

 Publications abroad:

1.Kadyrbaeva  Bagdagul. The self-employment training students in the naturally-scientific discipline. // Antwerp - Belgium,  2009.-0,3 р.р (with coauthors)

2.Kadyrbaeva  Bagdagul., Khalikova K., Abdulkarimova G., Gucmanova F. Education Quality as a Factor of Competitiveness for Colleges and Universities. //  XIV World Congress OF COMPARATIVE  Education Societies, ISTANBUL, 14-18 june, 2010 .- 90 р.р.

3.Kadyrbaeva  Bagdagul. Innovative technologies using in educational  process.// WE -ASC World Education Culture Congress, Special Focus: Soft Skills & Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS), India Habitat Centre, New Delhi,  12-15 january, 2011.- 0,3 р.р (with coauthors

4 Kadyrbaeva B.A., Halykova K.Z Innovative methods of teaching of the development of the advanced technology. Education and Development, 2013, Volume 2, Editions du JIPTO, 52-53 p.

5. Kadyrbaeva B.A., Podgotovka future teachers on mathematics on the basis of professional competence. Bulletin d`Eurotalent-Fiji, 2013, Volume 2, Editions du JIPTO.47-51 p.

6. Kadyrbaeva B.A., Tulbasova BK, Suhanberdiyeva EK Teaching students about mathematical tasks in mathematical tasks in mathematics / learning: celi, learning and perspectives: Material Rep. science-practice. conference hall, г. Minsk, Oct. 28. 2015 by / Belorussia. gos the ped.un M. Tann. -Minsk: BGPU, 2015. - S.77-78

7. Kadyrbaeva B.A., Tulbasova BK, Didactic Approaches in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Higher Education Pedagogical Education in the Republic of Kazakhstan Mathematical Teaching: Celiacs, Perspectives and Perspectives: Material Recitation. science-practice. conference hall, г. Minsk, Oct. 28. 2015 by / Belorussia. gos the ped.un M. Tann. -Минск: БГПУ, 2015. - С.131-133

8. Kadyrbaeva B.A. Tulbassova Botakoz.K,Tekesbaeva Nazym Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Higher Education System of Kazakhstan 2nd International Conference on" New Directions In Multidisciplinary Research & Practice"   GlobalIlluminators Publishing FULL PAPER PROCEEDING Multidisciplinary Studies Full Paper Proceeding NDMRP-2015, Vol. 2, 298-302 р.р.

9. Kadyrbaeva  B.  B.Tulbassova,J.Kuandykova, Z.Ismagulova Pedagogical Sciences

Use of Modern Information Technologies in the Educational Process
Academia Brasileira de Ciências"
(Print version ISSN 0001-3765 On-line version ISSN 1678-2690), Vol. 89, No.

Scientific direction

conducts research work on the direction of innovation technologies in formations

Read lectures

"Higher Mathematics", "Mathematical Analysis", "Linear Algebra", "Analytical Geometry", "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", "Mathematical Modeling", "Optimization Methods", "Numerical Methods", "Econometrics", " Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics, Elementary Mathematics, Informatics, Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithmization, Fundamentals of Computer Modeling, and others.


for the Republic:

1. "Interactive teaching methods" - certificate of 2008,

2.2008 g certificate of qualification improvement KazNPU im Abay

3. "National Center for Advanced Training in Law", Joint-Stock Company. Certificate. Under the program, the professional development of pedagogical staff of the University of Kazakhstan (240h) on November 19, 2015


1. The International Academy of Concord. Certificate (72 hours). France. 3-12 May 2013

2. Member of the expert commission of Fijip-Eurotalent-Concord on creative projects of schools. Certificate. (France) on 12 May 2013:

Académie Internationale CONCORDE FIDJIP (Fédération Internationale du Système JIP) ATTESTATION La Direction de la FIDJIP délivre à BAGDADUL KADYRBAYEVA le Certificat de I`Ecole de la Créativité  Fait au Centre de FIDJIP-EUROTALENT (Romilly sur Seine, France) 7-10/05/2013.

3. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Certificate (4.5 credits). (Spain)

9-18 November. 2015g:  Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. CERTIFICATE OF CHIEVEMENT.CERTIFICADO DE APROVECHAMIENTO 4.BAGDADUL KADYRBAYEVA BAGDADUL KADYRBAYEVA passport 5872329, has completed and passed the assessment tests set out inthe course TEACHING TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT, held from 11/9/15 to11/18/15 (mm/dd/yy) of 45 classroom hours, corresponding to 4.5 credits, and inwitness whereof, I hereby sign this certificate. Valencia, November 25, 2015

Export works


1) 2015-2017: Member of the export commission for the examination of documents on the education issued by foreign educational organizations in accordance with the state compulsory education standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSE PHC "Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan director Nurmagambetova AA)

2) since 2015 Member of the export commission for the preparation of test assignments of the VOUD (02.09.2015.decree No. 15-10-7-1540 of the National Testing Center)

Republican educational-methodical seminars

Lecturer jointly with the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" and KazNPU named after Abay Republican educational and methodical seminar for teachers of the subject of mathematics on the theme "Methodical approaches to the use of information and communication technologies in mathematical education" Almaty, IMPI KazNPU Abai, ul. .Thole bi 86, 226 audience. 4-7 January, 2017g

Moderator`s work

1) Moderator of the Republican contest "Best author`s program" Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" in Almaty, Alatau sanatorium, 12-13 October 2016g

2) Moderator of the republican contest "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas" Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" Almaty, sanatorium Alatau, 12-13 December 2016g

3) Moderator of the Republican Olympiad "Dana Zhol" in 2016 jointly held by KBTU and the Applied Economics Center "Dana Zhol". KBTU, Almaty, Tlele bi.

4) Moderator jointly with the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn" and KazNPU Abai Republican educational-methodical seminar for teachers of the subject of mathematics on the topic "Methodical approaches to the use of information and communication technologies in mathematical education" Almaty, IMPI KazNPU im Abay , ul.Tele bi 86, 226 auditorium. 4-7 January, 2017g

The scientific management of teachers in school

1) The scientific leader of the elective course "Matematicadan olympiad" daaylau. " Almaty, ¹123 school-gymnasium named after Kozha Ahmet Yassaui 2016g

2) The scientific leader of the elective course "5 sons of mathematics" teedudetilgen materialar". Almaty, №123 school-gymnasium them. Ahmad Yassaui 2016g

3) Scientific leader of the elective course "Chess Lemme" for pupils of 6 classes (teacher T. Asylbekov). Almaty, ¹123 school-gymnasium named after Kozha Ahmet Yassaui 2016g

4) The scientific supervisor of the elective course "Geometry esepterin shykaru workshops" (teachers B. Zh. Baizhanova, Zh.M. Mukhamediyeva) in Almaty № 12

5) The scientific leader of the elective course The function is the function of the graphitern törland »(teachers A.Shoybek, G.A.Turumbetova, A.B. Kartabayeva) grams №148 and №15 gymnasium schools


Collections «Bilim beru variables for Grades 1-7 in organizations and profile for 8-11 grades elective course Package of programs (natural and mathematical direction) »2015g

Almaty city.

Management of scientific projects

1) The project leader on the topic "Module of barbeque bar teedeuler" (pupil of grade 9 Ahmet Mels) in Almaty, №123 school-gymnasium them. Kozha Ahmet Yassaui

2) The project manager on the topic "Kazakh students of acquisitions" (student of grade 9 of As`ar Sultan) Almaty №123 school-gymnasium

3) The head of the project on the theme "Teisisdikterdiң (Koshi, Gelder, Jung, Minkowski) mathematicians" talalırnda қoldanylui "pupils of the 9th grade of the 24th Lyceum of Almaty Zhakifar Tomiris, Ahmedov Daulet took the second place in 2018 at the international scientific and practical conference among schoolchildren , students and young researchers "Scientists of the Future" zhylas "Bolashaktyn galymdary".

4) The head of the project on the theme "On ananytalan symmetry matrixes matratsalar iz syzyty" emes amaldar baldanu "the pupil of the 9th class of the 24th lyceum of Almaty Malikova Aygerim took the 1 st place in 2018 at the international scientific and practical conference among schoolchildren, students and young researchers" Scientists of the future " zhyly "Bolashaty ғalymdary".

5) The head of the project on the theme "Teisizdikterdi" (Koshi, Gelder, Jung, Minkovsky) mathematicians "tallarinda Baldanyluy" pupils of the 9th class of the 24th Lyceum of Almaty Zhakifar Tomiris, Ahmedov Daulet took the third place in the competition in 2018 the best scientific project among schoolchildren «NURAN SCHOOL SCIENCE PROJEKT».


from 2015-2017. Chairman of the jury of the Auezov district Olympiad in mathematics in Almaty among school children.

Achievement of undergraduates

under the leadership of B.A. Kadyrbaeva.

1) Suhanberdieva E. "Teaching students the use of information about their native land in the text of mathematical problems" Mathematical Education: goals, achievements and prospects: materials Resp. scientific-practical. Conf., Minsk, 28 October. 2015 / The Byelorussian. state. ped.un-t them. M. Tanka. -Minsk: BSPU, 2015. - 160 s. (P.77-78).

2) Suhanberdieva E. Didactic conditions for the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the system of higher pedagogical education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Mathematical Education: Goals, Achievements and Perspectives: Materials of Resp. scientific-practical. Conf., Minsk, 28 October. 2015 / The Byelorussian. state. ped.un-t them. M. Tanka. -Minsk: BSPU, 2015. - 160 pp. (P.131-133)

3) Valiev A.T. Mathematicians Okytu uderіsіnde Interactive adisterdi paidalany Almaty, Bulletin of Kazakh National University, 2, 2017, Б.55-59

Achievement of students

1) Gаlymzhаnkizi М., Таstеmіrоvа Zh.., Umirtay G. on the topic "Аparattyk-communication technologyk arkyl syzyktyk model kuru maseleleri" were awarded with diplomas and published works of students in the collection "Alemdik аkparattyk bilim bery кenistigi basekege kabiletti ustazdar kolynda" Atti zhas galymdar arasindagi Respubliki gylymi- experimental conference materialdary (Almaty, Kazakh memlekettі kyzdar ped.universitetі, 2013zh).

2) Pіlalova T. Kargabaeva N., A. Nusіpkozha on "Syzyktyk Emesa zhuyelerdі modeldeu Maseleleri" were awarded with diplomas and published the work of students in the collection "Alemdіk akparattyk Bilim take kenіstіgі basekege kabіlettі ustaz kolynda" atta zhas galymdar arasyndagy Respublikalyk gylymi -tazhіribelіk conference materials (Almaty, Kazakh Memleketty Kyzdar ped.universiteti, 2013zh).

3) A.Totasyn on the project "Innovation technology" non-language ZhOU kuramdas boliktere site jasau adistemi "was awarded a diploma of the second degree in the competition" IT baidarlamalau "among students jointly conducted by the Ryskulov University and akimat of Auezov district: Almaty (2015)

4) A third-year student in mathematics, M. Kudaibergen won first place and became a champion, was awarded a cash prize of 200,000 tenge at a university tournament among students jointly conducted by Dana Zhol Center for Applied Economics and KazNPU Abai (2016)

5) 2016g

A third-year student in mathematics, M. Kudaibergen won first place and became a champion, was awarded with a cash prize of 2000 tenge and valuable gifts at the republican tournament among students of the Dana Zhol Center for Applied Economics and KBTU (2016)  и https //www youtube. com /watch? v=yd6Hvhhwc

6) 2018 g 4 th year student of the mathematics class Serikov Nurlybek on the topic " At school zharatylanan mazmunda bilim berude kebbryshtardy ohytu adisteri" took the third place at the international scientific and practical conference among schoolchildren, students and young researchers "Scientists of the Future" zhylas "Bolashaktyn Kallimdary"

7) 2018 г 4 student 4 courses on the specialty mathematics Serіkov Nurlybek

by the competition organized by the site www  The Republican Information Portal took the first place and was awarded the medal" Great teacher" for creative work.

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