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   Главная / Koneva Svetlana Nikolayevna

Koneva Svetlana Nikolayevna



I am, Koneva Svetlana born in 1976, Russian, a native of Alma-Ata, graduated with a gold medal from gymnasium No. 56, where from 1997-2000 she worked as a teacher of mathematics and computer science. In 1997, she graduated with honors from Abai AGU with a degree in mathematics and computer science, in 1999 she graduated with a degree in informatization of education, and in 2002 - postgraduate school. Since 2000 she worked at the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics of Abai KazNPU Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor, in 2010-2014 Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of IM&DS PhD, since 2014 Associate Professor of the same Department of IMFI. Since 2011, corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since 2020, current member of the same academy. The field of scientific interests of informatics, informatization of education, computer graphics, telecommunications, cloud technologies, business informatics. Head of master`s theses in the field of informatics (education, natural science, information systems), consultant of a doctoral dissertation PhD 6D011100-informatics.



Educational institution




Bachelor of Education in 050111 - Computer Science


Abai Almaty State University

Bachelor in Mathematics and informatics


Abai Almaty State University

Academic Master`s Degree in Education Informatization


Abai Almaty State University

Postgraduate study in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methods of teaching and education / informatics /


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Applicant for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogy specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methods of teaching and education / informatics


University of Foreign Languages and Business Career

Bachelor in specialty 5В011900 - two foreign languages ​​(English, French)


Caspian Public University

Bachelor in Corporate Finance (Management and Business)




Name of academic degree

Field of science

Date of issue of the diploma

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education /informatics/




Name of research title

Date of assignment

Associate Professor in the specialty 05.13.00 - Informatics, Computer Engineering and Management

22.06.2009 г.



Information and communication technologies

Informatization of education

Digital technologies in education

Computer networks

Web technologies

Computing networks and telecommunications

Php programming basics

Web Application Development

Technology of computer modeling of graphic objects

Information systems tools

Professionally oriented language



Research projects:

2001-2002 «Multimedia educational program in informatics for general education schools in the Kazakh language» (MES RK, Abai KazNPU, executer) 

2009-2011  «Pedagogical foundations of modeling the processes of informatization of post-secondary and university education contribute to the formation of the multicultural personality of the future specialist»(MES RK, Altynsarin NAE, responsible executor).

Analysis of the development of information technologies and their impact on the informatization of modern society. Research report «Pedagogical foundations of modeling the processes of informatization of post-secondary and university education contribute to the formation of the multicultural personality of the future specialist» // Almaty: deposited in the National Center of NTI RK, 2009.- 80 p. (co-authored by Bidaibekov E.Y., Grinshkun V.V.)

Definition of the basic principles of building information educational environments of post-secondary and higher education organizations / Research report «Pedagogical foundations of modeling the processes of informatization of post-secondary and university education contribute to the formation of the multicultural personality of the future specialist» // Almaty: deposited in the National Center of NTI RK, 2010.- 80 p. (co-authored by Bidaibekov E.Y., Grinshkun V.V.)

2016 - Intranet-tekhnologii v obrazovanii. Upravleniye, ekonomika i informatizatsiya obrazovaniya v postindustrial`nom obshchestve: kollektivnaya monografiya. - Almaty: AF SPbGUP, 2016. - S. 61-86.

2019 - An essential change to the training of computer science teachers: The need to learn Graphics // European Journal of Contemporary Education. - 2019. - V.8. - Iss. 1. - P. 25-42.(в соавторстве)

2015 - Perevod v professional`noy mezhkul`turnoy kommunikatsii. Programma dlya EVM. - Almaty, 2015 (svidetel`stvo № 2018 ot 27.10.2015) (v soavtorstve)



1. Internet/Intranet v obrazovanii. Uchebnoye posobiye. - Almaty: KazNPU im. Abaya, 2006.- 146 s. (v soavtorstve Bidaybekov Ye.Y., Abdulkarimova G.A.) (in Russian)

2. Osnovy komp`yuternykh tekhnologiy. Uchebnoye posobiye dlya prepodavateley i studentov, obuchayushchikhsya po kreditnoy sisteme obucheniya. - Almaty, 2006.- 263 s. (v soavtorstve Akhmetova O.S.) (in Russian)

3. Vvedeniye v informatiku. Uchebnoye posobiye.- Almaty, KazNPU im. Abaya, 2008. - 92 s.(in Russian)

4. Didakticheskiye materialy po informatike. Uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye.- Almaty: KazNPU im. Abaya, 2008. -106 c.(in Russian)

5. Primeneniye tekhnologii informatsionnogo integrirovaniya dlya razrabotki anglo-russkogo terminologicheskogo slovarya po graficheskim redaktoram. Vestnik MGPU. Seriya «Informatika i informatizatsiya obrazovaniya». № 4 (14).- M., 2008. - S. 63-67. (in Russian)

6. Use of the license software in education in Russia and Kazakhstan. // XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies "Changing Society and Education: New Boundaries and Opportunities" // World Congress of Comparative Education Societies «Bordering, Re-bordering and new possibilities in education and society» (2010, Istanbul, Turkey). s.758-760.
7. The use of licensed electronic textbooks in Russia and Kazakhstan // XIV World Congress of Comparative Education Societies "Changing Society and Education: New Boundaries and Opportunities" // World Congress of Comparative Education Societies «Bordering, Re-bordering and new possibilities in education and society» (2010, Istanbul, Turkey). s. 761-766.

8. Computer graphics as means of formation of graphic culture // WE-ASC World education culture congress. Relevance og Integral Applications in Formal "Education Culture". Special Focus: Soft Skills&Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS), 12-15 January 2011, New Delhi, India (E. Bidaybekov)

9. Komp`yuternyye seti. Uchebnoye posobiye. Almaty: KazGosZhenPU, 2011.- 320 s.(v soavtorstve N.N. Kerimbayev) (in Russian)
10. Art-pedagogy in computer graphics // Sabiedrība. integrācija. izglītība Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli 2015.gada 22. -23.maijs (v soavtorstve Nebessayeva ZH., Tanibergenov M.).
11. Perevod v professional`noy mezhkul`turnoy kommunikatsii. Uchebnoye posobiye. Almaty: SGU, 2015. - 154 s. (v soavtorstve Zhumabekova A.K., Mirzoyeva L.YU., Golovchun A.A.) (in Russian)
12. An essential change to the training of computer science teachers: The need to learn Graphics // European Journal of Contemporary Education. - 2019. - V.8. - Iss. 1. - P. 25-42. (Grinshkun V., Bidaibekov E., Baidrakhmanova G.)



Diplom of the 1st degree of the UNESCO competition (2014)

Breast sign " Үздік тәрбие жетекшісі " (2016)




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