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Excursion to the Pedagogical STEM Park


In the framework of the Decade of Science on April 7, 2022, the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics organized for students *excursion through the Pedagogical STEM Park*. Editors showed them the world of robots, 3D printer services, capabilities of the resource centre and gave more information about additional robotics-related training courses available in the park.


The tour guides were Seyduali Kasymkhan, Acting Director of Pedagogical Stem Park, who spoke about 3D printer capabilities; teacher Nauryzbayev Darmanbek, who led the students through the world of robots; and senior lecturer-presenter of Digital Resource Centre, Sharmukhanbet Saltanat, who gave information about Bilimlab.


The students, immersed in the world of modern scientific knowledge and technology, had an unforgettable experience and a new impetus for further studies.