Competition «The best student of IPP -2022»
On April 8, 2022, the department of «Organization and support of educational activities» of Abai KazNPU, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held a competition «The best student of IPP -2021» among students of 2-3 courses of bachelor`s degree and 1 course of master`s degree. The purpose of the competition is to identify and encourage students of the Institute who have actively shown themselves in studies, student self-government, sports, creativity and other fields of activity. The competition was attended by active students of our institute.
Among them Zholdasbayeva Bibinaz - 2nd year student of the specialty «Primary education with the use of information and communication technologies», Zhuma Nurgul - 2nd year, «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge», Zholai Asem - 3rd year, «Primary education with the use of information and communication technologies», Moldabayeva Dana, Asanova Aruzhan and Shubay Aimerek - 2nd year, the same specialty, Kiyakbai Nazim - 2nd year, «Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge», Yenbayeva Rabina - 2nd year, «Pedagogy and Psychology», Mamazhanova Alua - 3rd year, «Primary education with the use of information and communication technologies», Ulaskanova Gulim - 3rd year, «Defectology».
The competition was held in three stages. Of the 13 students who applied to participate in the first stage of the competition, among them 10 students were selected and admitted to the next stage. 1 Competition of the II stage self-presentation on the topic «I am the best student», 2 competition project «My creative University» (university model in the implementation of the idea of a new Kazakhstan) has ended.
Stage III - quiz «Do you know?» included questions: Development of Kazakhstan over the years of independence; The history of our university; What should be the teacher of the XXI century?; What should be the student of the XXI century?; What should be the teacher of the school of the XXI century?
According to the results of the competition, a student Shubai Aimerek was awarded a diploma of the first degree and she was awarded the title «The best student of IPiP-2022». The diploma of the II degree was awarded to the student Yenbayeva Rabina. The diploma of the III degree was awarded to the student Zhuma Nurgul.