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Robotics competition «ROBO TIME-2022»


On April 8, 2022, the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai KazNPU hosted an intra-institutional robotics competition «ROBO TIME-2022», organized by the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education and the pedagogical STEM Park. The goal is to activate and develop the cognitive, intellectual and creative initiative of students, to create conditions for the practical implementation of ideas in the field of robotics.


A total of 8 teams took part in the competition: GENIUS (Alauova Gulasal, Aben Nagima, Gainolla Yerazy. Head - D.B.Nauryzbayev); ARDWIN (Ersin Mukhtarkhan, Beisembai Akbota, Sagynbayeva Gulnur. Head - E.K.Zhamenkeev); ESD Robo team (Raikul Symbat, Tursyn Yernar, Tugelbai Dastan. Head - A.A.Amangeldin); IRK (Nurislam Turenov, Nursultan Yahyaev, Nauryzbek Kalyrbayev. Head - E.Khzhabaev); SIRIUS (Zairova Leila, Shertai Damira, Akhmetov Zhasulan. Head - G.B.Yelubai); KITANA (Babakhan Bakhyt, Dmitry Bortsov, Zhania Begalieva. Head - Zh.N.Orazbekov); FINIX (Kuandyk Madiyar, Zhetpisbai Maulen, Baurzhanovna Ayazhan. Head - N.M.Nurullaev); MEGATRON (Yesetov Alibek, Abdykalyk Aibol, Zhaksylykov Batyr. The head is K.U.Umbetbayev).


The competition consisted of 3 stages: the competition of robots in the nomination «Race along the line», in the nomination «Kegelring-quadro» and in the nomination «Robosumo».


The jury consisted of Vice-Rector for Research E.A.Buribayev; Director of the Department of Science - U.A.Abdigapbarova; Acting Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Sh.I.Khamraev; Head of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education N.T.Oshanova and Deputy Director for Educational and Methodological Work of JSC «Orleu» in Almaty K.K.Nurlybaev.


According to the results of the competition, the first place was taken by the GENIUS team, the second - by the ESD Robo team, the third - by ARDWIN. They demonstrated their design capabilities, resourcefulness and ability to work in a team, using the acquired skills in the field of robotics.


The event was held under the leadership of the head of the Department «Informatics and Informatization of Education» N.T.Oshanova and Acting director of the pedagogical STEM Park K.S.Seiduali.