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International round table-webinar «Turkology in the modern world space»

On 11 April, 2022, within the framework of the Decade of Science, the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University organized an international round table-webinar. With a welcoming speech, the round table was opened by the director of the Institute of Philology, Professor A.V.Tanzharikova. She noted that the history of the Kazakh language and Turkology are interconnected. The Turkological Center named after Nemat Kelimbetov operates at the Institute of Philology. At the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation, an important place is given to the teaching of Turkish and Uighur languages.

Dean of the «Faculty of Humanities» of Ahi Evran University Professor Nadir Ilkhan made a presentation on the topic: «Lexical Similarities of Elements in Proverbs and Sayings». His report is an undoubted contribution to science as an important catalyst that helps activate the cognitive activity of students and increase their interest in motivation and understanding of the Turkic world.

The topic of Professor K.Kh.Abdrakhmanova «The history of the use of the Arabic alphabet in the Turkic spiritual heritage» was devoted to the relevance of studying the monuments of medieval writing. In her report, she drew attention to the commonality of Turkology and Oriental studies. Professor Salahattin Bekki, Head of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Ahi Evran University, in his report on the topic «Turkic epic works and folk poets (zhyrau). Turkic epic art» noted that common Turkic spiritual values are widely preserved in oral folk art and sagas.

Professor Zh.A.Tukebayeva, a guest from KazETU, in her report on the topic «Problems of computerization of the Kazakh language», paid special attention to the current state of computational linguistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan and expressed her hope for the resumption of computerization of linguistics as a compulsory subject at the Faculty of Philology. She also expressed hope for the creation of a common Turkic computational linguistics, where Turkologists from all over the world will work together.

Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation Arziev R.U. in his report on the topic: «Formation and development of Uyghur linguistics in Kazakhstan» gave a general overview of the works of Uyghur linguists. Dr. Osman Kabaday, Senior Lecturer of the Turkish Language Department of the Faculty of Humanities of Ahi Evran University, in his report: «Rare handwritten texts and problems of their cataloging and digitalization», drew attention to the cataloging and digitalization of rare manuscripts in the National Library of Kazakhstan, the Scientific Library «Gylym Ordasy».

Then the head of the department, Professor K.Kh.Adrakhmanova and the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Ahi Evran University, Professor Nadir Ilhan discussed the issues of academic mobility of universities and the project of a double diploma of graduates.

Summing up the results of the international round table-webinar, K.Kh.Abdrakhmanova thanked the scientists for the relevant and informative reports, and expressed her gratitude to the organizer of the webinar, candidate of philological sciences Ergali Esbosynov.

The round table was held in a friendly and warm atmosphere.