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Meeting «Open Dialogue in Ethno Style»

On April 11, 2022 the Institute of History and Law and the creative youth organization «TASPA» held a meeting «Open dialogue in ethnic style».


The aim was to show national originality of Kazakh people and its diversity, to listen to interesting stories of famous people, who occupied a prominent place in the world of cinematography of our country, and to get answers to the most interesting questions of students.


The guest of the meeting was Bakhtiyar Bayserik, a well-known film and theatre actor. He took an active part in the open Q&A session, and shared his thoughts and plans for the future.

In turn, our talented students showed their creativity. They masterfully played dombra and kobyz and sang folk and pop songs, charming the audience with their voices.


The invited guests, staff and students, who came as spectators, expressed their gratitude to the organisers for a wonderful event.