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Round table on the topic «Rules for raising the legal awareness of citizens in Kazakhstan»

On April 13, 2022 at the Department «Jurisprudence» of the Institute of History and Law of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University organized a round table on «Rules for raising the legal awareness of citizens in Kazakhstan» under the program Spiritual Revival. The Director of the Institute of History and Law, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. Junusov opened the round table and the opening speech was made by the vice-rector for scientific work of Abai KazNPU, Doctor of Law, Professor E. Buribayev.


The moderator - Head of the Department of Jurisprudence, PhD in Law, Associate Professor B.M. Koshpenbetov introduced the speakers participating in the event. The speakers were Professor B.J. Kuandykov, KazNAS, M. Rakhmetzhanov, lawyer of Almaty Bar Association, judge of the 2nd district court of Zhetysu district of Almaty N.Z. Batyrkhan, lawyer of the Almaty Bar Association A.E. Menligazieva, lawyer of the Bar Association, Kazakh public figure E.J. Kishkenebayeva, Senior lecturers G.B. Meirbekova and D.J. Belkhozhaeva. Students and undergraduates of the specialty «Jurisprudence» - Serik A.S., Asan A.G., Madihan Sh.A., Batyrbayev K.A., Utegenova U.S., Bokhanova A. also made reports.


The main theme of the round table was that legal consciousness is a multifaceted phenomenon. During the discussion it was said that the legal consciousness of citizens of Kazakhstan is recognized as a reliable guarantee of strengthening of legality, it depends on the specifics of the spiritual development of individuals and society.


The event was chaired by Head of the «Jurisprudence» Department B.M. Koshpenbetov, D.S. Baysymakova and K. Turlykhankyzy.