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Forum «Professional guidance - the basis of future job choice»


On April 26, 2022, professors of the institutes of History and Law, Philology of Abai KazNPU organized forum «Professional guidance - the basis of future job choice» with pupils of 11th grades in 32 schools of Almaty.


During the event were shown video clips about our university, told about achievements of the university in the field of education and science, provided information about social assistance to students, the military department, student life, provided information about popular professions, answered questions of parents, graduates and teachers.


The forum presentations were made by associate professor E.Moldasanov - «The place of the university in the world market», associate professor M.Muratkazin - «All professions are good, choose one», professor J.Baltabaeva - «World of Professions». Explanatory work on the specifics of philological education was carried out, for example, on the theme «Forming the style of writing essays, stories». But, as has been noted, such skills can come in handy in any job.