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Dosmanova Gulsara Isabekovna


Dosmanova Gulsara Isabekovna - on December 23, 1970 Kyzylorda region, in Shieli district. She left from Bestam village high school (1988), University (1994). City of Kyzylorda.

1999-2002-L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian University, Kyzylorda branch.

2002-2006-head of the department at the Department of Philology, pedagogy and art at future universities in Kyzylorda.

2006-2010-senior lecturer at the Department of practical languages, Kazakh state women`s Pedagogical Institute.

2010-2011-deputy dean for academic affairs of the preparatory Faculty of Kaznpu.

2011-2012-deputy dean for educational work of Abai Kaznpu, Faculty of foreign languages and international relations.

2012-2013-deputy head of the Department of educational work, Youth Policy and development of the state language of Abai Kaznpu.

2012-2015-worked at Abai Kaznpu.

2015-2016-head of the Department of methods of teaching a foreign language, Kazakh state women`s Pedagogical University.

2017 works at Abai Kaznpu (senior lecturer).

2017-13.00.02-D.13.16.527 PRI KSU name after. I. Arabaeva and KNU name after. Zh. Balasagyna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - (KR 2018)



Educational institution


Senior year 

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University

English teacher, translator




Name of the academic degree

Scientific field

Year of graduation

KSU name after. I. Arabaeva and KNU name after. Zh. Balasagyna

13.00.02 -   D.13.16.527

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences - (KR 2018)



Subjects taught

1.Bachelor`s degree: Foreign Language, advanced foreign language.

2.Master`s degree: professional foreign language.



1.Досманова, Г.И. The formation of communicational culture of the students at the lessons of Russian language [Текст] / Г.И.Досманова // Наука и мир. - №2(18). - Том 2. - 2015. - С. 113-115.

2.Досманова Г.И. Communicative aspect of professional preparation of students at the Russian lessons [Текст] / Г.И.Досманова // Наука и мир. - № 10(26). - Том 2. - 2015. - С. 57-59.

3.Коммуникативный аспект профессиональной подготовки студентов на занятиях по методике. Вестник Кыргызского государственного университета им. Арабаева,  2015г.. ISSN 1654-5611.

4.Организационно -педагогические основания профессиональной подготовки учителя. Вестник Кыргызского государственного университета им. Арабаева,  2015г. ISSN 1654-5611.

5.Особенности педагогического общения у студенттов педагогических направлений на занятиях по русскому языку. Science and world.

6.International scientific journal. 57-59, 2015. Impact factor of the journal (Science and world) - 0.325 Global Impact Factor, Australia.

7.Об обучении языку на основе интерактивных форм обучения. Қазақстанның жоғары мектебі. №42018 (24). ISSN 2413-5488.

8.Көру қабілеті зақымдалған балаларды ағылшын тіліне оқыту ерекшеліктері. Абай жылы: білім, ғылым және жастар тақырыбындағы студенттер мен магистранттардың дәстүрлі 74-ғылыми конференциясы, 2019, 448-450 бет.

9.Көру қабілеті зақымдалған балаларды ағылшын тіліне оқыту акт қолдану. Абай жылы: білім, ғылым және жастар тақырыбындағы студенттер мен магистранттардың дәстүрлі 74-ғылыми конференциясы, 2019, 445-447 бет.

10.Peculiar features of English verb forms. Science and world. Science and world. International scientific journal. 29-31, № 3 (67), 2019. Impact factor of the journal (Science and world) - 0.325 Global Impact Factor, Australia.

11.Ағылшын тілі сабағында заманауи сандық технологияларды қолдану. Хабаршы №4 «Көптілді білім беру және шетел тілдері филологиясы» 2019ж.

12.Techniques of working with texts to develop reading skills. Science and world International scientific journal. 49-52, №5 (81), 2020. Impact factor of the journal (Science and world) - 0.325 Global Impact Factor, Australia

13.The research of modernism in Kazakh Literature. АҚШ, Лос Анджелес.


Scientific and methodological activities

Educational-methodical manual: 2007-English. English



1. Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a great personal contribution to the development of Education (2013)

2. Medal "90 years of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University" for contribution to the development of the University (2018)


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