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Discussion of the project of the Concept of Pedagogical Education of RK


On June 2, 2022 in Abai KazNPU there was held a discussion of the the project of Concept of Pedagogical Education of RK.


The authors of the project - Rector of Abai KazNPU Bilyalov D.N., Vice-rector for academic affairs of Abai KazNPU Bektemessov M.A., Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Zhampeisova K.K., Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor Khan N.N., candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor Kolumbayeva Sh.


The main provisions of the project and priorities for the development of teacher education were presented and disclosed in the report - presentation of the rector Bilyalov Darhan Nurlanovich. In his speech he said that the project of the Concept is developed within the framework of the implementation of measures to improve the quality of teacher education of Kazakhstan and underlined the scientific and practical importance of the document in identifying effective ways of development of teacher education in Kazakhstan with the objectives of the modern society, progressive international experience and modern paradigm of education.


The rapporteur and the authors of the project were asked problematic questions about the quality of professional training for future teachers, about forms of interrelation of pedagogical university and system of professional development of teaching staff, about social partnership with educational organizations of all levels, about realization of dual education in system school-high school, about terms and the maintenance of all types of pedagogical practice, motivation of students to pedagogical profession, development of national content, research constituent in educational specialities, which caused alive and interesting questions.


Participants of the workshop-meeting were particularly interested in the proposed innovations in the levels of teacher education: preserving valuable traditional and innovative forms of pre-university career guidance in the profession of «Teacher», models of training at the level of higher teacher education - lateral entry, applied baccalaureate, Honors College (college for gifted students).


During the discussion, speakers noted the timeliness and importance of this document in improving the quality and innovative development of the system of teacher education of Kazakhstan.


Rector of Abai KazNPU Darkhan Bilyalov thanked the participants for the constructive discussion and expressed hope for further cooperation in the preparation of teachers for New Kazakhstan.















