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Nazarbayev University professor gives a lecture at Abai KazNPU

On September 28, 2022, Professor of Nazarbayev University Duishon Shamatov delivered an act lecture «Choosing a research topic» to staff, students and young scientists of Abai KazNPU.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Abai KazNPU D.N. Bilyalov, Vice-Rector for Research E.A. Buribayev, employees of the Department of Science and young scientists.

Introducing his speech, the guest noted that he would like to share his experience of writing a research paper with students who have embarked on the path of science. He focused the attention of the audience on the issues of choosing a dissertation topic, defining goals and objectives, and organizing of the scientific process.

Professor D. Shamatov answered all the questions of young scientists and, at the end of the lecture, presented the participants with his book. Grateful listeners and an honored guest of our university fixed the memory of this successful scientific event with a photograph.











