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Kyakbayeva Ulbosyn Kozybayevna


Name and Last name

Kyakbaeva Ulbosyn Kozybaevna

Birth of Date

10.10.1966 г.


In 1990, she graduated from the Kazakh order of the red banner of Labor pedagogical Institute named after Abay with a degree in "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". Qualification: primary school teacher. Teacher of Russian language and literature at the national school.

Position and academic degree

Working in KazNPU named after.Abaya from 1990 to the present. In 1990-2019, she passed the main official stages of the University: teacher, senior lecturer, associate Professor, Professor, from 2019 to the present - head of the Department of preschool education and social pedagogy

Work experience after graduating and position

1982-1984-pioneer leader in the SS Sergeevka. South Kazakhstan region, Tulkubas district.

1984-1985. Student of the preparatory Department of KAZ PI named after Abay.

1985 -1990 studied at the Abai KAZ PI, at the faculty of "Pedagogy and methods of primary education".

1990-Teacher of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education of KazPI. Abai`s.

1990-1995 head of pedagogical practice at the faculty

1995-1998-head of term papers and theses at the Department

1998 -2001 post-graduate student in the full-time Department of Almaty state University named after Abay.

In 2002 he was appointed senior lecturer of the Department of pedagogy and methods of primary education and physical culture

2005-head of the "intermediate State control" at the faculty.

In 2007, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: "Formation and development of the content of education of the Kazakh primary school (1991-2007)". 13.00.01-General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy

In 2010, she took advanced training courses at the Moscow city pedagogical University.

In 2011, in order to exchange teaching practice, she completed an international internship at the Chang Han University of the people`s Republic of China.

2014 associate Professor of the Department of preschool education and social pedagogy of Abai KazNPU.  No. 490-railway from 24.06.2014 Protocol No. 2.

2015 was the training of trainers Program II and III-level within-level programs of professional development of pedagogical staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan developed by Center of pedagogical skill of AOO "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" in cooperation with the Faculty of education, University of Cambridge, and received an international certificate of the trainer.

Research interests

History of formation and development of primary school teacher training in Kazakhstan (1991-2007), didactic training of future primary school teachers, problems of improving the process of education and training of the younger generation, preschool pedagogy, family pedagogy: education and training of preschool children.


    Main publication:

Participated in the development of a standard program in the specialty 050102

- Pedagogy and methods of primary education, 050103

- Pedagogy and psychology, 5B012300-Social pedagogy and self-knowledge.

Author of more than 80 scientific articles and manuals on "Term papers and theses and methods of primary education", "primary school Pedagogy", "primary school Didactics", "Methods of scientific and pedagogical research", "Family pedagogy".

    Some features of using educational games in elementary school math lessons. Moscow. 2015. - No. 6. - Pp. 330-334.

    An impotent of mutual assistance of school and family in development of a gifted child.

   Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. -2014. - V. 136. - P. 405-409Wed of Science ( Thomson Reuters shall be, United States)

   A brief analytical review of the psychological concepts of professional burnout syndrome.  International student scientific Bulletin. Moscow.   09.11.2017. - No.6.    ISSN 2409-529X IF RSCI= 0.336

"Leadership Development Of University Students In The Activities Of Student Government". "7th World Conference on Educational Sciences".

 05-07 February 2015. Athens Greece.


"Oy, balaman Birge OI": textbook.- Almaty-2019-KazNPU. Abaya, 2019. -40 pages

"Sertiously oito technologies": textbook. - Almaty: Polygraphy-service and K LLP, 2019. -48 pages.

"Pedagogy of early childhood": educational and methodological guide. - Almaty: Almanac, 2019. - 60 pages.

Participation in project research

 -Tempus-Educa international project "Modernization and development of educational programs in pedagogy in Central Asia" at the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University,

-The project " Family education and education as the most important basis for the modernization of the national education system»,

Awards and prizes

- a lapel badge "Uzdik ustaz". Certificate number no. 125 dated 05.10.2012.

 badge "Urmatt uzmetcom". Certificate number no. 433 dated 03.10.2016

- badge for special merits in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan Republikasynyn gylymyn damytuga sinirgen enbegi ush" dated 20.09.2018 No. 234;

- jubilee medal for contribution to the development of the University "Abay atyndagy Kazak ulttyk pedagogicalyk universitetine 90 zhyl" dated 13.12.2018 No. 637;

- awarded a Diploma of the first degree for achieving a high result of the VII International scientific and practical conference "Zhas Galym -2019" dedicated to the "year of youth" (22.02.2019);

- letter of thanks the Administration of KSU "Center for providing special school services # 3" expresses its great gratitude and sincerely thanks for the kindness and mercy of the teachers of the Department of preschool education and social pedagogy of Abai KazNPU (2018)

- letter of thanks from Vice-Minister Sukhanberdieva The Republican scientific and practical center "Daryn" of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded a letter of thanks (2017)

- letter of thanks from the representative Office of the international Academy of the Commonwealth of teachers and psychologists of early Development in Moscow in the Republic of Kazakhstan, for speaking At the International Festival for teachers and psychologists.(20.04.2019 G.)

Social work

1.Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology

2.Chairman of the trade Union Committee of the Institute of pedagogy and psychology

3. Responsible for master`s and doctoral studies in pre-school education

Contact details

87781288842, 87013626868, 384 - 72 - 10

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