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The defense work on an international double-degree program for obtaining a PhD degree

On October 26, 2022, at the dissertation council of Abai KazNPU on the specialty 6D021300 - «Linguistics» within the framework of the joint program «Abai-Vern» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of the French Republic on the basis of the two-degree program of the University of Poitiers and Abai KazNPU, PhD student Raigul Baktiyarova defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic «Concept» business woman «in the modern media discourse».

Members of the dissertation council of the University of Poitiers of the French Republic, leading foreign and domestic scientists took part offline and online in the defense of the dissertation defence, carried out at the international level.

The dissertation was completed at the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S. Kirabayev of Abai KazNPU. Scientific consultants - Dr. ph.s., Professor Kalbike Esenova (Abai KazNPU) and Doctor PhD, Professor Lichiya Bagini, Doctor PhD, Professor Elvir Diaz (University of Poitiers, France).

The defense was completed at a high scientific, theoretical and organizational level. Members of the Dissertation Council from the University of Poitiers Professor Catherine Pujol (INАLCO, Paris), Professor Elvir Diaz (University of Poitiers, France - online), Professor Lichia Bagini Diaz (University of Poitiers, France), and Professor Maria Akchekeyeva (Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek) took an active part in the discussion of the dissertation and gave a positive assessment. The dissertation was completed at the international level in the form of an open interview and scientific discussion in four languages (Kazakh, French, English, Russian).

For the first time in the history of the university, the defense took place in an atmosphere based on constructive business and mutual cooperation at the international level. The official registration of the defense work in accordance with the new Regulations on the dissertation council was carried out in electronic format: filling in the attendance list, voting, live broadcast on Zoom and Youtube.

As a result of the defense, together with the dissertation council, created to award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D021300 - «Linguistics» at Abai KazNPU, according to the results of a bilateral joint decision of the dissertation council of the University of Poitiers R. Baktiyarova, it was decided to award the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the specialties 6D021300 - «Linguistics» and «Romance languages» of the University of Poitiers.

