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Our guests - Moscow scientists!

       On 7 April , 2017 at Abai KazNPU held a public lecture of Oleg A. Lekmanov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow).
      Students of the Russian Language and Literature Department , guests from the Women`s Teacher Training University and other universities of our city, participants of the Open Literary School of Almaty became the listeners of the lecture on the theme: "Image of Moscow in the story of I. Bunin" Clear Monday ".
     A brilliant analysis of the classical text, proposed by a famous Russian scientist in his lecture, aroused the audience`s sincere interest. Oleg A. Lekmanov answered the numerous questions of the listeners and thanked the organizers for the warm welcome and for the book of the Kazakh literary critic A.L. Zhovtis.

         Also, another one participant of the International Book and Polygraphic Exhibition "On the Great Silk Way" - a famous Russian specialist in literature, Literary critic deputy editor of the journal "Znamya" - Natalia I. Ivanova visited the department.
         Мeeting at the department was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere between philologists of Kazakhstan and Russia, because we all belong to the same brotherhood of people who love literature.