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Problems of development of pedagogical education in Kazakhstan were discussed


On November 11, 2022 in Abai KazNPU an extended meeting of Educational-Methodical Association - Project Management Group in the field of education «Pedagogical sciences» was held. The offline and online event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 49 higher education institutions that train teachers, as well as other stakeholders.


Darhan Bilyalov, Chairman of the Educational-Methodical Association (EMA) at Abai KazNPU, Chairman of the Board-Rector, moderated the meeting.


They discussed the draft concept of development of pedagogical education of Kazakhstan, developed in Abai KazNPU, the concept of development of chess in Kazakhstan, the issue of implementation of the project on development of 30 educational programs under the project «Strengthening of pedagogical education in Kazakhstan», the proposals of public association «Mugalim» on educational program development of educational direction, educational initiative Teach for Qazaqstan, proposals for professional standard «Teacher» and project card of profession «University Teacher».


Darkhan Bilyalov made a presentation on the draft concept of development of pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which includes priority directions for the development of pedagogical education.


Darmen Sadvakasov, Vice-President of Kazakhstan Chess Federation, and Arafat Nurlakov, Chairman of the Board of Mugalim Public Association, spoke on other hot topics. They told in details about the Concept of development of chess in Kazakhstan and announced proposals of public association «Mugalim» on development of educational programs of pedagogical direction.


The event was held at a high level, the representatives of universities supported the ideas of the Concept, voiced their opinions and suggestions on the ideas and suggestions voiced during the meeting of the speakers.





