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Teachers of Abai University digitize textbooks of the Almatykitap publishing house


On September 28, 2022, at the meeting on reforms, Head of State K.Tokayev noted that children`s school bags filled with textbooks are harmful to health of children. Minister of Education A.Aimaganbetov reported on the tasks aimed at solving problems and noted that there will be a gradual transition to a digital textbook. In this regard, the publishing house «Almatykitap» presented «» - the first domestic platform of electronic textbooks.

Teachers of the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of the Abai KazNPU Turashov Sh.P. and Nauryzbayev D.B. work as freelancers on digitalization of textbooks in the digitalization department of the Almatykitap publishing house.

To date, our digitizing teachers have participated in the digitization process of about 20 textbooks. In particular, in the creation of a digital version of printed textbooks for secondary schools, such as Computer Science grade 5-6, Digital Literacy Grade 4, Physics Grade 7, Mathematics Grade 6, Geometry Grade 7, Natural Science Grade 3, etc. The work will be introduced with the staff of the digital content department of the Almatykitap publishing house and together with the authors of textbooks. The tutorials are uploaded on the platform in three languages, Kazakh, Russian and English.

Currently, schoolchildren and teachers use electronic textbooks and interactive tasks posted on the platform during lessons, and have already noted the effectiveness and modernity of this development.

We hope that the work on digitalization of education between Abai University and Almatykitap Publishing house will continue and be fruitful.



