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77th Scientific Conference of students and undergraduates was held

The Department of «Pedagogy» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology took part in the annual scientific conference of students and undergraduates.

According to the university program of the 77th scientific conference of students and undergraduates, more than a hundred students of 2-4 courses of pedagogical specialties from 6 institutes of the university took part in the work of the section «General Pedagogy» 6with research reports on topical problems and directions of modern pedagogical science. Among them are such topical topics as the pedagogical ideas of Abai, Ybyrai Altynsarin, Akhmet Baitursynov, Magzhan Zhumabayev, Ya. A. Komensky; teacher`s standard, pedagogical aspects of robotics, updated content of secondary education, national education, pedagogical experience of innovative schools, prevention of bullying in school and adolescent cyberbullying, professional competence of a teacher, comparative analysis of educational systems. education in foreign countries, etc. The participants were particularly interested in reports on such technologies as Cambridge technologies, smart, collaboration, distance learning, the latest Internet technologies, as well as new types and forms of extracurricular education, organizing students`free time and individual professional consultations, modern digital resources in Kazakhstan education.

Moderators of the section «General Pedagogy» are Docent Svetlana Zhumasheva and Professor Korlan Zhampeisova.

The conference was attended by professors-teachers, interns, members of the student scientific circle «Pedagog-zertteushiler». All participants gave a positive assessment of the conference and adopted recommendations based on the results.
See you at the 78th scientific conference, future research teachers!



